Weight Gain

PULSE+ Dietitian for Weight Gain

Have you unintentionally lost weight and struggled to put it on again? Or have you been naturally thin and underweight, and simply want to look more filled out?

For those who need to, gaining weight can lead to overall better health and functionality. An experienced, registered dietitian can provide the right guidance and support to help you successfully gain weight the healthy way, for a happier you. 

I have lost a lot of weight due to some digestive issues a few years ago.  As I have been trying to put on weight on my own after seeing a dietitian in the hospital before, but without much success. Thus, I decided to seek professional help again. I have been gaining weight slowly but surely over the past few months. Even my digestive system has become stronger.

I am grateful to Adelyn (PULSE’s Senior Dietitian) for her personalised meal plans that provided guidance and support in my weight gain journey.


Female, 52 years

Why Might Someone Want to Gain Weight?

While weight loss is typical in modern society, there are also common circumstances when someone wants to gain or regain weight.

Illness, Stress or Life Events

Some people might have lost weight through illness or other personal reasons (stress, personal events etc), and find it hard to gain back weight.

Their weight might below a healthy weight or BMI (<18.5kg/m2), and they feel frustrated at being told ‘too skinny’, or ‘you should eat more’, and want to return to a healthy weight.

Difficulties Eating

Some might find it hard to eat properly because of an illness or medication that make them feel nauseous.

Others might be engaged in lot of physical activity and burning up more calories than they eat, leading them to be underweight.

Health Concerns

Being underweight can also have negative health consequences.

  • Weakened immune system & increased risks of infections
  • Increased risk of osteoporosis
  • Decreased muscle strength
  • Underweight females might also have a lower chance of becoming pregnant 

Note that genetics do play a major role in physical build and musculature. If you have always been naturally small and thin, with no health issues, you may be fine as you are. Drastic changes to body shape would not be sustainable or healthy. 

Be wary of gimmicks and supplements marketed for “miraculous” weight gain. It is better to change body shape through weight training and incremental food intake (with an eating plan by an experienced dietitian).

You Should Consider Gaining Weight If...

  • Your BMI is under the healthy range
  • You have been significantly losing weight without trying to
  • You have attempted to gain weight but unsuccessful.

It is recommended to consult a dietitian for professional guidance in gaining weight healthily and successfully. 

On the other hand,  if you or someone you care needs to gain weight due to an eating disorder such as anorexia, it is important to seek treatment from a healthcare provider specialised in eating disorders.

How Can a Dietitian Help with Weight Gain?

Identifying Nutrient Deficiencies

A dietitian can help identify any nutrition deficiencies that may be hindering your weight gain efforts. Your dietitian will analyse your current diet, calculate your nutrition requirements, and make recommendations to meet your nutritional gaps. 

For example, if you are not consuming enough protein, a dietitian may suggest incorporating more lean meats, eggs, and dairy into your diet. Or if you are vegetarian/vegan, a dietitian may suggest the appropriate high protein options to meet your daily requirements.

Personalised Meal Plans

A dietitian can help to design personalised meal plans targeted to your weight gain goals. Whether you find it hard to eat big food portions, to eat small frequent meals or prefer natural foods over supplements– the meal plan can be tailored to accommodate your preferences. 

A dietitian will be able to take into consideration your circumstances, specific needs and goals, current weight, activity level, and any dietary restrictions; and create a custom meal plan. They will also calculate the  amount of calories and macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat) you need to consume each day to gain weight. They will also provide you with meal ideas and recipes to help you reach your calorie and nutrient goals.

Addressing Underlying Health Issues

At times, weight loss can be a symptom of an underlying health issue. A dietitian can help to  identify any potential health concerns and work with you to address them or refer you to the right specialist. 

For example, if you have a thyroid disorder, your dietitian may recommend certain foods or supplements to support your thyroid function and help with weight gain. Or if you have a digestive issue, they may suggest dietary changes to improve your digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Accountability and Support

One of the most valuable aspects of working with a dietitian is the accountability and support they provide. They will check in with you regularly to track your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your meal plan.

They can also provide emotional support and motivation, which can be crucial when you face challenges while trying to gain weight. A dietitian can help you stay on track and provide guidance when you feel discouraged or overwhelmed.

What You Will Get from a Dietitian Consultation

Meet our Dietitian

Senior Clinical Dietitian

Dietitian Adelyn Khoo

Prov. Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD), Dietitians Australia

Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics, Adelaide

Languages: English, Mandarin, Malay

View profile

Adelyn has over 9 years of experience as a dietitian, having seen 3000+ clients for medical nutrition therapy sessions for various issues, from weight loss, weight gain, high cholesterol, heart disease, fatty liver, hypertension, (pre-) diabetes, gut health, IBS & digestive issues, sports nutrition (muscle gain), osteoporosis, fertility, maternal nutrition and more.

Adelyn’s experience working alongside traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) physicians at PULSE also gives her the unique expertise in integrating TCM with medical dietetics. She is able to help incorporate clients’ TCM diagnosis and recommendations into their nutrition plan.

Rather than simply instructing clients what to do, Adelyn believes in focusing on what the client wants to achieve and empowering them to make the right choices to reach their health goals.

Begin journey to a healthier, happier you

Book your appointment with a PULSE+ dietitian today

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    How fast can I expect to gain weight?

    Ideally, weight gain should be sustainable and healthy.  How much weight is recommended for you to gain will depend on how far you are from your healthy weight / BMI, which will be advised by your dietitian. Typically 1-2 kg weight gain a month is a realistic target.

    What is the length and interval for the dietitian consultation sessions and where will they be held?

    The consultations will be held at PULSE+ Allied Health Clinic  at Camden Medical Centre (Orchard Blvd MRT). Each consultation session is typically 45 – 60 minutes to be held at a monthly interval. Note that if you have travel plans or other matters,  the frequency of the session can be flexibly extended

    How many sessions would I need?

    At least 3 sessions will be needed if you would like to gain 5 kg or more.

    How do I prepare for my session with a dietitian?

    Record a 3-day food diary before the session. This is a list of everything you are eating and drinking for the last 3 days, so that the dietitian is able to get an idea of your food habits and eating patterns. 

    Think about your goals and write out any questions that you would like to ask during your session. 

    Have more questions?

    Visit our AskPULSE portal to ask our PULSE+ Allied Health specialists or PULSE TCM Physicians any questions about your health or our services.

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