“A 2022 study has revealed that Singapore is the most overworked country in the world, with respondents reporting high stress levels, unhappiness, and burnout from work. Overtime, chronic work stress can have an adverse impact on an individual’s mental and physical health, and also result in lower productivity and increased workplace injuries.
Lead Clinical Psychologist Dr. Jaswyn Chin shares more about work stress- and its harmful effects- as well as some helpful coping strategies to deal with such stressors in the workplace.”
根据一项2022年的调查研究显示,新加坡是世上最操劳的国家之一。有许多受访者都透漏自己面临巨大的工作压力,不满情绪,以及工作倦怠。 长期面临工作压力会给一个人的身心健康带来负面影响,也会降低机构的生产力与效力以及造成不必要的工伤意外。